available for work
Current position: Front End Lead @stadiumGO

Creativefront-end development

When code becomes art

Every code decision counts toward bridging the gap between a mock-up and the live and breathing website in production.

Performance,accessibility, andeco-conception now count equally as CSS and JavaScript animations skills.

So you are looking for afront-end developer?

It s great to have you here. I started making websites and animations when html tables and Flash technology were battling it out in the late 90s. Time sure flies.

Throughout my journey, I've gained much web knowledge that has helped me evolve from a graphic designer and art director to a full-stack creative developer. I'm always striving to enhance my skills and grow in this field.

I'm passionate about my craft and dedicated to making each project successful. Whether it's at the beginning or toward the end, I'm happy to lend a hand!

Weapons of choice



  • WordPress
  • Laravel
  • Shopify
  • Bedrock
  • ACF
  • MERN

My main focus in the last years was WordPress. I learned to use it from top to bottom, coding countless custom themes and plugins for my beloved clients.

I tested many WordPress workflows and page builders. Finally, I use Roots tools (Bedrock install + Sage boilerplate) and Gutemberg/ACF as my main working stack to build and maintain custom WordPresses.

I also had opportunities to work with other tools like Shopify, Statamic, Kirbi, and Hugo.

At the moment, I'm really into learning Laravel and the JS MERN stack. But I still see the value in WordPress and what it can do. I love expanding my knowledge!

Other cool stuff in my toolbox