unavailable for workuntil 9/1/2024
Current position: Front End Lead @stadiumGO

webdesign plan

Creating web interfaces with a clear purpose

A successful website requires consistent, user-friendly, and visually appealing design displayed on all devices.

So you need to (re)design your website?

Creating or re-creating a website's design is a crucial and intricate phase in the website creation process. Every decision in this stage can impact the website's development and user experience.

But no need to stress; I've got your website covered. With my 20 years of experience in this field, I can happily assist you through any challenges we may encounter.

The journey towards a successful website (re)design

1. Before we start

The initial brainstorming phase is crucial before we hit the road. Let’s step back to talk and think about the big picture :

  • Why will your website exist? Who is it for? What services and content will it provide?
  • If it’s re-branding, what’s the matter with your current design? What should we keep, what should we remove? How to deal with SEO issues?
  • Do you have a team of developers working on your website? What programming technology are you utilizing? Are there any technical limitations that need to be considered?
  • Is your content ready? Do you require assistance determining the appropriate tone and crafting unique content for your audience?
  • Do you need photos, illustrations, and animations to convey your message? (I can help with that too).
  • Lastly, what emotion or tone would you like it to convey? Have you established a logo and brand identity yet? (If not, I can assist you using my brand identity process.)

2. Your design toolkit

I will design a set of user interface assets. This includes deciding on the appearance of your buttons, choosing the appropriate font and colors for your titles, and how we handle your navigation and other design components.

Meanwhile, on your side, working on your content is a good ideabefore proceeding with the following design stage.

3. Your content transcended

Your design toolkit is prepared, and your content is almost complete. Now, it's time to focus oncreating the layouts for your pages.

I'll meticulously construct a design grid for each page, ensuring that your content is easy to read and that the user experience is optimal.

At this stage, we can fine-tune your content to ensure it fits perfectly into the website's flow and overall mood.

4. The final delivery

Your design is nearly ready for the Html/CSS integration phase. However, before proceeding, I will prepare a responsive version of your most important pages, optimized for multiple screens.

I am happy to collaborate with your integration team and assist with brainstorming or even working alongside them to tackle any coding tasks or even deal with the integration by myself.

A few questions from the wild :

How much will it cost?

The cost vary based on site size and the pursued complexity of the design. To give you an idea, my starter package includes a design toolkit and three responsive main pages for 1.6k€ (without content brainstorming).

Of course, it will climb up if you need assistance with your content, many illustrations, some animations, and a very ambitious design.

How long will it take?

I am highly efficient and streamlined in my work process.

Typically, I can complete tasks within a few days.

However, the duration of the design process depends on your availability to collaborate with me on validations and the readiness of your content.

Do you always work alone?

Depending on your project's complexity, deadline, and my availability, I can make everything on my own or team up with some of my close freelancers friends (project managers, developers, designers) to help me meet your goals.

Of course, if I need to ask the team, I will tell you upfront and introduce them to you before the project kickoff.

We don’t have a development team; can you handle that?

Of course, once the design process is complete, I can manage the entire development phase, including front-end coding, back-end tools development, and the launch of your website.

Where are you based? Will we meet in person?

I adopted a digital nomad lifestyle three years ago, so it depends on when you asked. I’m currently around Europe for now.

If I were not far from you, I would be thrilled to meet you in real life. If not, don’t worry I’m always a video chat away and have all the project management tools to keep the loop up to date.

Let’s talk about your project

Thank you for your time reading all my services and processes, but it’s time to talk about you.
Don’t like chatbots? I get you. You can also drop me an email:
or whatsapp/call me +33 6 635 653 66